Nitrogen Technology
AIRTECH – innovative technology, efficient solutions and the highest quality
Nitrogen generators, compressed air supply and filter technology through to plant construction. Whether industry, food technology, plant engineering or laboratory. We at AIRTECH Nitrogen GmbH in Lübbecke advise you and provide you with complete economic solutions on a partnership basis. Quality is our claim.
Nitrogen generators accessories / components

For nitrogen production on site with our own nitrogen generators, we supply you with high-quality pressure vessels of German production with corresponding acceptance in the sizes 50 liters to 10,000 liters with the associated attachments and pressure-bearing assemblies. Also special containers are possible. Contact us.

The company AIRTECH Stickstoff GmbH offers its customers a wide range of high-quality compressors from Kaeser. You benefit from a worldwide service network and spare parts supply. You can choose from four series with the technical parameters pressure 8, 11 or 15 bar. The belt-driven screw compressors are extremely robust, energy-efficient and wear-resistant. Also very easy and easy to maintain, as well as sound-absorbing cladding of the compressors during operation.

A well-functioning and coordinated compressed air conditioning is the guarantee for the smooth functioning of all the following machines and systems. Whether refrigeration dryer, adsorption dryer, oil filter, dust filter or sterile filter, the AIRTECH nitrogen GmbH offers you the whole program in the highest quality at a reasonable price.